What is Metabolic Mayhem? And are you suffering from it? How would you know?
Please tell me if this sounds familiar…
Sandi held her breath as she stepped on the scale. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It had been a good week. She didn’t stray from her plan. Not even once.
She opened her eyes and looked at the numbers staring back from between her feet.
Sandi eased backward off the scale. Her left foot hit the cold tile floor first, followed by her right.
Her shoulders dropped.
Despite her best effort over the past week, the scale did not move. Every pound lost – no every single ounce – was a struggle.
She closed her eyes.
Every day, she fought with the willpower she needed not to pick up a cookie. To not crack open a bag of chips. To not order a pizza for dinner for her and the kids.
Sandi worried about what others would think. Would they make fun of the sacrifice… all for nothing?
She opened her eyes again. “What the hell?” she muttered under her breath.
That night, like most nights, she struggled to fall and stay asleep.
Her mind raced about the events of the day and what she had to do the next.
Her self-confidence crumbled.
Sandi felt lethargic and tired. And anxious and sad.
Even when she ate healthy, exercised for 30 minutes a day… the scale laughed in her face.
She let out a long, slow sigh. She felt defeated. And broken. And stressed.
Sandi didn’t know it, but she was suffering from Metabolic Mayhem.
Metabolic Mayhem occurs when you disrupt your body’s electrical signals and chemistry.
And you can do it without realizing it.
The discovery of Metabolic Mayhem is a huge milestone for us. Not only that but uncovering the damage it can do to your mind and body.
As a result, finding the Metabolic Mayhem Solution up there with discovering fire. Or inventing the wheel.
What is Metabolic Mayhem?
Metabolic Mayhem is the series of changes our minds and bodies go through from diet and exercise.
Our bodies have complex systems that seek something specific. All the time, whether you want them to or not. They seek happiness and fulfillment. No more, no less.
Knowing that this is the case, understanding Metabolic Mayhem becomes easy.
Your neurotransmitters and your hormones act in conjunction to seek that happiness. Often, it’s through food or sleep. It’s why you’re craving food when you’re stressed, or you feel super tired when you’re a bit down.
Take the hormone ghrelin. It’s known as the “hunger hormone.”
Since 2008, scientists (and by extension the gurus) have known stress increases ghrelin. They think that ghrelin might help you feel less stressed and anxious than you would normally. Emphasis on the word “THINK.”
What they know is that more ghrelin means more hunger.
That’s why stress makes you hungry.
Here’s what they missed… The reason it might make you feel less stressed is food triggers your dopamine centers in your brain.
Let me lay it out.
- Stress equals ghrelin.
- Ghrelin equals hunger.
- Hunger equals less willpower.
- Less willpower leads to more food.
- Food triggers the reward center of your brain.
- Welcome to Metabolic Mayhem.
Since this is true, it’s easy to see that stress is a key reason you struggle.
And not hitting your goals? Yep. More stress. Which leads to more ghrelin. And that leads to more calories. Which leads to more weight. And with more weight… comes more stress. It’s a never-ending cycle.
Look. It’s not your fault. None of the diets and none of the exercise routines focus at all on reducing stress. NONE.
Yet, this is one example of how Metabolic Mayhem creeps into your life without you even knowing it.
Knowing this makes all the lies you’ve heard even more appalling.
The Lies That Keep Us Unhappy…
For years – decades even – you’ve heard promises of a miracle. A messiah that will show you the magic way to fitness. To feel accepted and embraced… feeling loved and wanted…. feeling beautiful and confident.
And, if you’re honest with yourself, you can know that these promises have flopped every time.
Yes. Every. Single. Time.
Because, while we are honest with ourselves, lies and deceit are rampant in the world of weight loss.
Lies. Like when they make you feel like it’s your fault that you don’t see success on their plan.
Lies. Like when they tell you that certain foods or nutrients are evil.
Lies. Like telling you that there are only two ways to lose weight – diet and exercise.
Tell that to the people eating 1500 calories a day (or less!) and doing an hour of cardio each day and not losing weight.
It is the worst kind of deceit.
And together, this becomes ‘The Big Lie.’
It gets worse when we try yet another diet or exercise program and don’t get the promised (guaranteed?) results.
That’s why Metabolic Mayhem is so horrible. Because the ‘experts’ are heaping more stress and sadness upon you when their plans fail.
Causing your brain and body to signal you to eat. And eat. And eat.
But while this is happening to you, they’ve convinced you that it’s your lack of willpower that causes it.
We begin from a place of disappointment, stress, and feeling judged. When we make sudden changes in our diet and exercise, our bodies respond. And when they respond with hormones that make it impossible for us to succeed… you get blamed.
Causing more disappointment. More stress. More feelings of judgment.
I struggled with Metabolic Mayhem for decades myself. But it didn’t come into focus until five years ago when my life turned upside down.
When my own stress spiraled into anxiety and then into depression.
And then I had an Awakening.
Last Updated on January 9, 2022 by Metabolic Mayhem Staff