What causes Metabolic Mayhem? It’s our most common question.

To understand Metabolic Mayhem, you must first understand metabolism. Most of us have heard that it’s the process your body uses to convert your food into energy. Thus, we link it to our weight – good or bad.

It’s based on our diet—food into energy.

But what is our diet based on? Why are you hungry all the time? What role does exercise play a role in metabolism?

These are the questions we need to answer.

It’s too bad that the guru’s slide over the important (finer) details. Because the answer has been in front of us the entire time.

You see, discovering Metabolic Mayhem itself is like discovering fire. It completely changes lives.

Let’s start here:

Your body is a well-oiled machine.

Everything it does centers on a single goal: survival.

This is a scientific fact, not an opinion.

There are three basic survival instincts that humans have. The Metabolic Mayhem Solution attaches to all three.

They are:

  • Basic Survival – Food, Water, Exercise
  • Psychological Survival – Relationships, Friends, Acceptance, Safety and Security
  • Self-Actualization – Achieving Full Potential, Accomplishment

Most programs focus only on elements of the basics – food and exercise.

And, yes, those will be important.

But they misunderstand the hierarchy. They believe that we are still cavemen and women. (And even if we were, they still get their facts wrong). But that’s not how modern human life has changed over time.

You’re no longer going out from the cave, searching for food. Hoping you don’t become food yourself.

What Causes Metabolic Mayhem?

Let me tell you a true story…

I was at my lowest. I was battling anxiety and depression-fighting for survival. During this struggle, I learned something important.

Anxiety seems to be your brain sending signals about a possible near-future threat. But fear focuses on a clear and present danger. Fight or flight.

They aren’t the same thing, though we experience them in similar ways.

That is, anxiety is the fight or flight response kicking on based on some unknown threat.

Too much anxiety can creep into your life. Your subconscious is seeing potential threats everywhere.

In the caveman days, this would cause you to avoid an area you knew tigers hid in. Or to avoid a certain area that had known bear caves.

It kept you alert and vigilant. It kept you alive. Survival.

In the modern world, there’s not the potential for becoming dinner for a tiger, or lion, or bear (oh my!) around every corner.

There’s usually not a real threat to your physical survival at all.

We have a solution to fear. Fight or flight. A solution for anxiety is not as obvious. Sometimes the trigger can’t even be immediately identified.

But knowing why anxiety is there is useful—especially when solving the Metabolic Mayhem epidemic.

I was able to identify (with help) that acute stress causes my anxiety to spiral out of my control. Often it would spiral into small bouts of depression.

So I worked with a therapist on ways to mitigate the stress, which mitigated my anxiety.
Here’s the thing, not everyone has to deal with an anxiety disorder the way I do. Or depression. But we all deal with stress. And stress is the real cause of Metabolic Mayhem.

Stress creates a crippling feedback loop.

If stress is one of the main causes of Metabolic Mayhem, it makes sense that we start in the brain.

Your Stressed Mind Runs a Useful Script. Want to Hack and Improve It?

Have you ever wondered how you can stand in front of your full refrigerator, the light glowing on your face.. and proclaim you have nothing to eat?

Have you ever seen some chocolate, and it seemed to be calling your name? So much so that you couldn’t resist picking it up?

Or wondered why it feels like you’re addicted to junk food?

Let me introduce you to your wrinkled brain.

When you’re under stress, the power of your ‘analytical’ mind starts to grind to a halt. And it starts to run through a ‘script’ of sorts.

That’s right. Your brain is proactive.

Your brain communicates the script via small ‘chemical messengers’ called neurotransmitters.

These neurotransmitters help to regulate sleep, mood, energy, focus… and even hunger!

Here’s the exciting truth. You can rewrite the script your brain uses to optimize these messengers.

You don’t usually look to your brain when you think about weight loss. If you do, it’s because someone told said that you lacked willpower.

Why has no one told you about the power of neurotransmitters before?

Here’s the dirty truth. If you knew that they a huge impact on your body composition, it would be hard to sell diet and exercise programs.

There are five big neurotransmitters for understanding what causes Metabolic Mayhem. They are dopamine, serotonin, melatonin, GABA, and acetylcholine.

If you learn how to manipulate these five, you can hack and improve the script your brain runs on autopilot!

Want to Feel (and Look) Better? Hormones Play a Surprisingly Huge Role

Quality of life has changed over the last 50 years. Even more so in the last decade. To say nothing of the last year. In ways both good and bad.

We’ve been able to become the masters of our own fate. From education to careers, we’ve experienced more freedom than ever before.

And with freedom comes responsibility. And do you know what comes with responsibility?

That’s right. Stress.

We have adopted an around-the-clock lifestyle. We work more—deadline after deadline.

So you take a break to reset.

But guess what? Your ‘breaks’ are contributing to your stress. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Email notifications going berserk. All pouring in during your ‘downtime.’

And that stress plays havoc on your hormones.

Hormones, like neurotransmitters, are chemical messengers that tell your body how to function. In particular, they tell your body how to react to the stress of everyday life.

As you learned above, stress can cause a fight or flight response. This not only triggers your brain but also triggers your endocrine system.

Yet, we are rarely in actual danger.

But, like our brains, our hormones turn on in response to this stress.

Triggering your body to crave certain foods and to store fat. To make you feel tired. Anxious. Sad. And even depressed.

If you’ve heard of any stress hormone, it’s cortisol. But the hunger hormone, ghrelin, also kicks on when you feel stress. Worse, they act together to make you crave sugar.

Do you crave chocolate when you’re stressed? Now you know one of the key reasons… your hormones are responding to the stress.

Last Updated on January 9, 2022 by Metabolic Mayhem Staff