The Metabolic Mayhem problem is taking over the fitness world. And they are scared.

It seems like everyone has an opinion about fitness and nutrition these days. And they’re not always positive ones. In fact, they rarely are.

For every person you can find that has had success on a diet plan or has killed it with the latest fad workout system… there are hundreds, if not thousands that didn’t see results. Especially results that are sustainable.

And these are the things that have led to the Metabolic Mayhem epidemic.

To be sure, the discovery of the Metabolic Mayhem problem is a milestone in the health and fitness world. And finding the Metabolic Mayhem Solution is like discovering fire and the wheel.

Before we get too far, though, let’s acknowledge a few things.

When the debate rages about what’s wrong with the diet and fitness industry, you get the same list:

  • Don’t like gyms,
  • Diets don’t work for me,
  • My trainer is a flake,
  • Too much info,
  • Not enough info,
  • Don’t have enough time,
  • Too hard…

And this is just off the top of my head in 15 seconds.

Here’s what I think: The current system is beyond repair. And that’s because it was never meant to work.

The modern diet and fitness industrial complex has one goal, and it has nothing to do with your waistline. It has everything to do with your wallet.

Think about it.

I’m like you. I want to look better. But I want those things so that I feel happier.

I’m sure you do too. But you don’t. And if you ever do, they will lose millions.

So all the marketing that you get bombarded with is focused on that open wound. You don’t feel happy now, and they have the solution that will help you get there. Through diet and exercise. Or magic pills. Fancy powders. Powerful potions.

So, what if, none of those things is the real solution. What if they are the causes of the Metabolic Mayhem problem?

First. there are enemies among us. For years – decades even – you’ve heard promises of a miracle. A messiah that will show you the magic way to fitness. To feel accepted and embraced.

And, if you’re honest, you can say with confidence that it’s flopped every time. Lies and deceit are rampant in the world of weight loss.

Lies. Like when they make you feel like it’s your fault you aren’t seeing success on their plan.

Lies. Like when they tell you that certain foods or nutrients are evil.

Lies. Like telling you there are only two ways to lose weight – diet and exercise.

Tell that to the people eating 1500 calories a day (or less!) and doing an hour of cardio each day and not losing weight.

None of these things is the right answer. In fact, these lies are what is creating the Metabolic Mayhem problem.

The right answer is to start with yourself.

Philosopher Alan Watts spoke of the Backwards Law.

“I have always been fascinated by the law of reversed effort. Sometimes I call it the ‘backwards law.’ When you try to stay on the surface of the water, you sink; but when you try to sink, you float. When you hold your breath, you lose it — which immediately calls to mind an ancient and much neglected saying, ‘Whosoever would save his soul shall lose it.’”

If this is the case, then the pursuit of the perfect body to achieve happiness is the problem.

The thinking processes that happen are these:

1. You set a goal to look better. To look like the photoshopped Instagram model. Or the TikTok stars hiding behind their filters.

Note: This isn’t different whether you are a man or a woman. I’m a man, I want to look better. I’d like to look like the action stars and the guys that are shredded on the Gram. I’m not going to pretend otherwise.

2. You now have told your mind what you don’t have. You don’t have the physical appearance that you want.

3. Your brain then starts feeding you little statements. You’ve heard them in your head.

“You’ll never look that way.”
“You don’t have the discipline to hit your goals.”
“You’ve tried this before and failed.”

4. Every mistake and misstep gets amplified by those voices. You’re noticing the failures. You’re actually looking for confirmation that those little voices are true.

And your trainer blames you and your willpower, further adding fuel to the fire. And now, before you know it, you are suffering from the Metabolic Mayhem problem.

Here’s the thing. To get the body you want, you first have to become happy with the body you have.

They don’t.

That too is a lie.

The hardest thing I’ve ever done was the first time I lost 100 pounds. I say the first time, because I’ve done it a few times.

The first time, I didn’t know the trick. It took a lot of effort and trial and error.

Every time I gained the weight back, it’s because I wasn’t happy with myself. There was too much stress and too much anxiety.

The last time I piled the weight back on was six years ago.

My wife received her lymphoma diagnosis. Two months after I’d decided to quit my cushy corporate job to become an entrepreneur. Two months after our first pet died at 12 years old. And two months before our second pet died at 13.

I felt like I’d lost control of everything around me, and my anxiety engulfed me.

I tried to eat my way out of it.

Let me say, that didn’t work.

But, I know there’s a third way to get the success I want. And it starts with being happy with the success I have.

That’s the solution to the Metabolic Mayhem problem.

Last Updated on September 29, 2022 by Metabolic Mayhem Staff