The Big Lie: Why The Effects of Diet And Exercise Aren’t There


The Big Lie: Why The Effects of Diet And Exercise Aren’t There

Effects of Diet and Exercise

The effects of diet and exercise strategies in the hands of big Everyone has an image in their mind. An image of a body that they’re proud of and a weight that they want to hit. It’s the effects of the poor diet and exercise strategies that don’t put your happiness first.

These failed strategies lead people to feel like they’re broken or defective because it seems like no matter what they do, their body doesn’t change.

This is the big lie.

Metabolic Mayhem is one effect of these types of misguided strategies. You are always chasing after something but never really get there. Your weight yo-yos up and down. Each time you find it harder to get started. Harder to see results. And it can lead to depression and anxiety disorders.

It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But that’s where the diet and fitness industry wants you. Thinking you need them to see results. Thinking you need them to be happy.

It’s why they try and blame you for not changing when that isn’t the reality of the situation. They want you to think that if you don’t do what they say, then nothing will ever change or get better. And even when you follow their directions exactly and don’t see the promised effects of diet and exercise, you’re to blame.

The effects of this lie are shocking. They lead to eating disorders, body dysmorphia, anxiety, and depression.

It’s a dark road indeed!

But there is hope on the other side…you just have to know how to find it first getting off of their hamster wheel. The secret is to stop chasing after a result and to start focusing on your happiness. The results will come.

You’ve been lied to for so long. It’s time to find your truth.

Time to stop being a victim and to start taking your power back. You have the power to be happy. And once you’re happy, you’ll find that you have the power to be healthy. You have the power to change.

Let’s begin the pursuit of your happiness and your health. And let’s begin the pursuit of a better life for you and for those you love. Yes, let’s begin the pursuit of becoming the person you were meant to be.

Let’s begin undoing the effects of diet and exercise strategies that won’t help you. The effects of diet and exercise strategies mean to keep you in the endless cycle of jumping from program to program.

I know there are people that disagree. And that’s fine. This isn’t for them. It’s for you.

And I know this is all hard to believe. I’ve been there. But let’s write down the evidence.

  1. Grab a pen and paper.
  2. List all of the diet and/or workout programs you’ve tried in the past.
  3. And then list how many times you’ve tried each.
  4. Finally, list the effects of diet and exercise that you saw each time.

What you’ll see, as clear as day, is that you’re jumping from solution to solution, and nothing is working. And the things that worked a little in the past have stopped working.

This is Metabolic Mayhem in action.

And, had you not found this platform, you’d have continued on this broken path. That if you just find the right program, the effects of diet and exercise would be different this time.

But the cold, hard truth is that they are programming you to believe that your perfect body is what will make you happy.

But it works the opposite way (and there’s science to back it up).

When you start by focusing on being happy now, you’ll find an easier path to reach your goals.

Metabolic Mayhem exists because the constant jumping from diet to diet, the lack of results, leads to a hormonal environment that is fertilizer for disappointment. And once you’ve bought into the idea that you are somehow broken, they have you right where they want you.

However, when we focus on happiness, our hormonal environment begins to reset. This makes our ability to reach our goals easier.

There’s more to come, but trust me, it’s not your fault.

Last Updated on January 17, 2022 by Metabolic Mayhem Staff